Monday of the Eighteenth Week in Ordinary Time, August 5, 2024

Jer 28:1-17; Psalm: 118; Mt 14:13-21
A call to share what we have
In today’s Gospel, Jesus performs the miracle of feeding the 5,000 with just five loaves of bread and two fish. This miracle serves as a powerful reminder of Jesus’ compassion and abundance. It shows that even in times of scarcity, Jesus is able to provide for his followers and meet their needs. This passage challenges us to have faith and trust in Jesus’ ability to provide for us, even when it seems impossible.
The passage also highlights the importance of sharing what we have with others. In this story, a small boy willingly offers his five loaves and two fish to Jesus, despite the seemingly impossible task of feeding such a large crowd. His act of generosity and faith is rewarded as Jesus takes what he has and multiplies it to feed the hungry crowd. This teaches us that no matter how small or insignificant our gifts may seem, Jesus can use them for great things when we are willing to offer them to Him.
Today’s Gospel is a powerful reminder of Jesus’ ability to provide for us and work miracles in our lives. It challenges us to have faith in his abundance and to trust in his provision, even when we may feel like we have nothing to offer. It also calls us to be generous and willing to share what we have with others, knowing that Jesus can take our small acts of kindness and multiply them for the greater good. This passage encourages us to have faith, to be generous, and to trust in Jesus’ ability to provide for us in miraculous ways.