Myanmar new bishop: “To be strengthened and empowered by the Holy Spirit to meet God”

Newly consecrated Bishop Peter Tin Wai of Pyay Diocese encouraged the faithful to be strengthened and empowered by the Holy Spirit to meet God at the thanksgiving mass.

“As the Spaceship is empowered by the powerful rocket, so also we are to be strengthened and empowered by the Holy Spirit to meet God, Our Father,” Bishop Peter Tin Wai said in the thanksgiving Mass.

“Through the power of the Holy Spirit, the Apostles faced their fate courageously and this is the way we are to be strengthened by the Holy Spirit,” continued Bishop Tin Wai.

Thanksgiving Mass of the newly consecrated Bishop of Pyay Diocese took place at 9:00 AM in St. Peter and St. Paul Catholic Church in Yangon on March 1.

Bishop Peter was consecrated on February 22 at St. Paul’s Minor Seminary in Pyay, Myanmar.

Chin Community meets the New Bishop of their tribe before Thanksgiving Mass (Photo RVA Sgaw Karen)

Although the faithful were willing to take part in the Episcopal ordination in Pyay, many of the Chin Catholics were not able to take part because of the situation of the country.

Many of the participants in the Thanksgiving Mass are from the areas marked by conflict, violence, and insecurity.

“This Thanksgiving Eucharistic Celebration is a significant opportunity for those Chin Catholics who were not able to join the Episcopal consecration of a person of their tribe. It is like a Good Shepherd who tries to look for the sheep wherever they are and tries to keep himself close to the sheep,” said Fr. Hyginus Myint Soe, Parish Priest of St. Peter and St. Paul Parish.

Bishop Peter Tin Wai is being honored after his Thanksgiving Eucharistic Celebration (Photo RVA Sgaw Karen)

Msgr. Andreas Ferrante, Chargé d’ Affaires, said that he visited the Diocese of Pyay, had seen and thanked God for the witnesses of Faith, hope and love of Priests, religious, catechists, brothers and sisters, youth and children of Pyay Diocese.

“People of this Diocese withstand the difficult time in which we are living and facing the challenges of the moment with courage, spirit of fraternity and solidarity,” he continued.

Msgr. Andrea said that God hears our cry for help and gives us signs for his love through men and women of good will to proclaim, to bring Jesus who is the source of fraternity, forgiveness, reconciliation.

He echoed Pope Francis’ words that it is possible to build a better human family walking together and working for children, youth and new families. The youth today in this difficult time need a good witness of joy and of the sense of life. 

Msgr. Andrea invited those present at the event to pray for Pope Francis, the new Bishop, the priests, religious, and catechists of Pyay Diocese.

Chin Community present their gifts to the new Bishop of their tribe (Photo RVA Sgaw Karen)

Bishop Noel Saw Naw Aye, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Yangon, Msgr. Andreas Ferrante, Charge d’ Affaires, some priests from Yangon Archdiocese, Pyay, Taungoo and Lashio Dioceses, men and women religious and the faithful from St. Peter and St. Paul parish, from its neighboring parishes, some faithful from Pyay Diocese, altogether about 1,000 people took part in the thanksgiving Mass.

Some pastors of other Christian denominations were also present at the occasion.

A dance performed by Chin young girls in honoring the newly consecrated Bishop Peter Tin Wai (Photo RVA Sgaw Karen)

According to Angela Khin Hnin Wai, the eldest sister of Bishop Tin Wai, the newly ordained bishop is the first bishop of the Sumtu Chin tribe.

The Sumtu tribe is a member of the southern Chin sub-branch within the Kuki-Chin (Bradley 2002) branch of the Tibeto-Burman family.

The population of Sumtu dialect speaking people is about 30,000 people and is spoken in four townships of Rakhine State: Kyuakpyu, Ann, Minbya, and Myebon.

Song of honor to Bishop Peter Tin Wai presented by Chin Catholic Community (Photo RVA Sgaw Karen)

After the Thanksgiving Eucharistic Celebration, entertainment with singings, dancing, and lunch for all in honor of Bishop Peter followed.

By Fr. Saw Hubert

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