Thursday of the Twenty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time, September 19, 2024
Jesus’ love and mercy are boundless
1Cor 15:1-11; Psalm: 117; Lk 7,36-50
In Luke 7,36-50, we read the beautiful story of a sinful woman who comes to Jesus to express her love and gratitude. This story is a powerful reminder of the infinite mercy and forgiveness of our Lord, as well as the importance of humility in approaching Him. The woman, known for her sinful ways, boldly enters the home of a Pharisee where Jesus is dining and begins to wash His feet with her tears, anointing them with expensive perfume. Despite the judgmental stares and whispers of those around her, she continues to show her love and reverence for Jesus. This act of humility and repentance touches the heart of Jesus, who tells her that her sins are forgiven because of her great faith.
This story serves as a reminder that no matter how great our sins may be, Jesus is always ready to forgive us if we come to Him with a contrite heart. The sinful woman’s actions demonstrate her deep love and gratitude for the forgiveness she has received from Jesus. Like her, we should not be afraid to approach Jesus with our sins and imperfections, knowing that His love and mercy are boundless.
One quote from St. Augustine that comes to mind when reflecting on this passage is, “God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.” This quote reminds us that God’s love for us is personal and unconditional, regardless of our past sins and failings. Just as the sinful woman found forgiveness and redemption in Jesus, so too can we experience His mercy and grace if we approach Him with humility and sincerity.
In our own lives, we are called to be like the sinful woman in the story, willing to humble ourselves before God and seek His forgiveness. We should not be afraid to acknowledge our sins and ask for His mercy, knowing that He is always ready to welcome us back with open arms. Through prayer, repentance, and acts of love and service, we can show our gratitude for the forgiveness and redemption we have received from Jesus. Let us not be afraid to show our love for Jesus through acts of repentance and service, knowing that His forgiveness is always available to us. Let us trust in His promise of redemption and live our lives in grateful response to His abundant grace.