Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) August 18, 2024
Prov 9:1-6; Psalm: 33; Eph 5:15-20; Jn 6,51-58
A grateful life to God
In today’s second reading of Ephesians, we are reminded to be wise and make the most of every opportunity, understanding the will of the Lord. This passage calls us to live in a way that is pleasing to God, avoiding foolishness and embracing God’s wisdom. It encourages us to live with gratitude in our hearts, always giving thanks for the blessings we have received. These verses remind us of the importance of being mindful of God’s Will and seeking to live in a way that is pleasing to Him.
Pope Francis has spoken extensively on the importance of gratitude and living a life of thanksgiving. He once said, “Gratitude is not only the memory but the virtue of the heart”, emphasizing the importance of cultivating a heart full of thankfulness. The pope’s words echo the message of Ephesians 5:15-20, urging us to live with gratitude and to give thanks in all circumstances. By living a life of thanksgiving, we can more easily discern God’s Will for us and walk in His wisdom.
In today’s Gospel of St. John, we can see that Jesus is emphasizing the importance of faith and communion with him. He goes on to say, “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them” (John 6:56). By partaking in the Eucharist, Christians are able to establish a deeper connection with Christ and receive spiritual nourishment that sustains our faith. It is through this act of sharing in the body and blood of Christ that we are able to experience a profound union with him.
We should be aware of the importance of living a life of gratitude and seeking to understand God’s will in all things. We should be grateful to Jesus for His immense love for us by sharing His body and blood for our spiritual nourishment. And also, the sacrificial love that Jesus showed for us through his death on the cross, and the gift of eternal life that he offers to all who believe in him. By embracing thankfulness and wisdom, let us strive to live with hearts full of gratitude, always seeking to understand and follow God’s Will in our lives.