Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), August 25, 2024

Faith, Obedience, and Commitment to God
Josh 24:1-2.15-17.18; Psalm: 33; Eph 5:21-32; Jn 6:60-69
Today’s readings and Gospel offer powerful insights into the nature of faith, obedience, and commitment to God. In Joshua 24:1-2.15-17.18, Joshua calls the people of Israel to choose whom they will serve, either the gods of their ancestors or the one true God. He recounts God’s faithfulness throughout their history and challenges them to decide to serve God wholeheartedly. This passage emphasizes the importance of commitment and loyalty to God in our faith journey.
In Ephesians 5:21-32, Paul addresses the relationship between husbands and wives, using the imagery of Christ and the church. He emphasizes the sacrificial love that husbands should have for their wives, mirroring Christ’s love for the church. This passage highlights the importance of mutual submission, love, and respect in marriage, as well as the profound mystery of Christ’s love for his people.
In the Gospel of John 6:60-69, Jesus faces rejection and doubt from his followers after teaching about the bread of life. Many of his disciples find his teachings difficult to accept and choose to leave him. However, Peter affirms his belief in Jesus as the Holy One of God, demonstrating a deep faith and commitment to following him. This passage challenges us to trust in Jesus and to remain faithful even when faced with challenges and doubts.
Reflecting on these passages, we see a common theme of choice, commitment, and faith in God. Joshua’s call to choose whom we will serve reminds us of the importance of making a firm decision to follow God wholeheartedly. Paul’s teachings on marriage emphasize the sacrificial love and mutual submission that should characterize our relationships. And Jesus’ response to the doubts of his followers challenges us to trust in him even when his teachings are hard to accept.
As we consider these passages in our own lives, we are reminded of the call to choose God above all else, to love sacrificially in our relationships, and to remain faithful in times of doubt and uncertainty. We are called to deepen our commitment to God, to trust in his guidance and provision, and to follow him with unwavering faith. May these reflections inspire us to live out our faith with courage, love, and steadfastness, always seeking to honor and glorify God in all that we do.