Wednesday of the Twenty-third Week in Ordinary Time, September 11, 2024

True poverty: a lack of love, compassion, and care for others

1Cor 7:25-31; Psalm: 44; Lk 6:20-26

The Gospel of Luke, chapter 6, verses 20-26, offers insights into the teachings of Jesus on true happiness and blessings. In these verses, Jesus addresses the poor and the rich, emphasizing the importance of spiritual wealth over material possessions. This passage challenges us to examine our own attitudes towards wealth and success, and consider what it truly means to be blessed in the eyes of God.

Saint Teresa of Calcutta once said, “We sometimes think poverty is only being hungry, naked, and homeless. The greatest poverty is the poverty of being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty.” This quote highlights the deeper meaning of poverty that Jesus speaks of in Luke 6:20-26. True poverty is not just a lack of material possessions, but a lack of love, compassion, and care for others. It challenges us to look beyond our own needs and desires, and reach out to those who are in need of our love and support.

On the other hand, Saint John Chrysostom reminds us of the dangers of wealth and worldly success in his quote, “It is not from your own possessions that you are bestowing alms on the poor, it is from the Lord’s; and those possessions are not your own, but the Lord’s. For, if they were yours, you would not be showing favour in distributing what belongs to you.” This quote reflects the warning that Jesus gives in Luke 6:20-26 about the temporary nature of earthly wealth and the potential for it to lead us away from God. It serves as a reminder that all our possessions ultimately belong to God, and we are called to be good stewards of the resources He has given us.

Reflecting on Luke 6:20-26 with the wisdom of the saints challenges us to reevaluate our priorities and actions in light of God’s kingdom. It calls us to shift our focus away from the pursuit of material wealth and success, and towards enriching our spiritual lives and caring for those in need. As Saint Francis of Assisi famously said, “Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing that you have received – only what you have given: a full heart, enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice, and courage.” This quote encapsulates the essence of Jesus’ teachings in Luke 6:20-26, urging us to seek true blessings not in the accumulation of possessions, but in the giving of ourselves in service to others.

In conclusion, the reflection on Luke 6:20-26 with saints’ quotes helps us to discern the true nature of blessings and happiness in the eyes of God. It challenges us to examine our attitudes towards wealth and poverty, and to align our actions with the teachings of Jesus. As we strive to live out these truths in our daily lives, may we find true joy and fulfillment in living out God’s love and compassion towards all His children.

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